Saturday, September 14, 2013

It Takes an Area Woman Sometimes...

Every Subdivision and Every Home has the Following Basic Things:

  • 1.5 Cars in the Driveway
  • Shrubs and/or a Garden in Each Lawn
  • A Lawnmower
  • A Blender
  • The Same Budget & Bills
  • A Television
  • Similar Salaries

All of which, are available to everyone.  In all of my Life I never Could Understand the Driving Force Behind Keeping UP with the Jones' when the Jones' aren't ever satisfied with anything they ever have.  They probably didn't even really want it when they bought it - it is just to appear as if there is more?

There seems to be a swing in mental attitudes to the point that GREED is JEALOUS (for some reason) of HEALTHY AMBITION.  As ridiculous as this concept is, it probably has something to do with "knowing" what you want and the experience of appreciation for what you have because it "belongs" in your life.  You aren't jealous of what someone "else" acquires because you realize that what you need & want is a matter of doing what is required to EARN it.  It doesn't depend on someone else.  There comes a point that adults realize it really is up to "me", and if I need support I know where to find what I need.  There really isn't a "Tooth Fairy".

When everyone has the "same" basic things in an average Subdivision (the car, the wife & kids if you have a family, the lawnmower, the blender & so on...) and you are still not very HAPPY, it all boils down to who enjoys the experiences they are IN with who and what is involved in their LIFE.  

There is no logical REASON that an average person would be justified in feeling the imbalances of jealousy with others that HAVE ACCESS to the same basic THINGS!  You have everything, or have ACCESS to the exact same things.  When all that is needed at that point is to do what is REQUIRED, and find others that enjoy the same experiences ~ Where is the problem?

If someone isn't willing to put commitment into finding out what they want, what is required & who and what they want in their lives and DO what THEY are supposed to be doing, the only alternative is to have outside living assistance (as when living with your parents).  

Teach a Man to Fish & Possibly do Business in some way is a better way of Self-Reliance, Self- Sufficiency & Reciprocation.  Dependency does not help the Economy. 

The only difference when you decide that you need or want more is that you usually move to a BIGGER more EXPENSIVE subdivision with a NICER more EXPENSIVE CAR with a LARGER YARD to mow with a MORE EXPENSIVE MOWER.  This is the only difference!  And guess what....?  Are you ready for this?  EVERYONE ELSE HAS SIMILAR THINGS IN THIS SUBDIVISION JUST LIKE BEFORE BUT "BETTER".

To Me,  When GREED is Jealous of HEALTHY AMBITION- it looks like VEGAS being jealous of a successful Amish Community.  The SAME THINGS ARE available to EVERYONE, it is a matter of what you want & need but for some reason people try to "get something out of everyone else" the cheap & easy way instead of doing what's required in a way that is available to everyone anyway.  One is willing to earn & do what is required to make changes to get what they want & need, and the other isn't!  

There usually either isn't anything really enough to take away from someone else that everyone else already has ~ maybe some tomatoes from their garden or something?!  But they would GIVE THEM TO you if you were familiar with each other ANYWAY...

People are usually happy to help others that ask & appreciate it along the way if you care enough about your problem to play the role int he solution (it is Human Nature), but the EFFORT in living your life and playing the role is YOUR responsibility.  Others can only make time important between their individual lives!  

People MERGE LIVES when they GET MARRIED. Each person in the marriage is a strong independent individual that made a choice in their adult lives to become 2 strong partners in life that can still live independent lives if something should happen to their relationship.  They make a compromise & sacrifice on a personal level in their personal lives of their own free choice.

Best Friends, Family, & Spouses provide more support than most because they are a closer part of your personal life.  When someone is faced with someone "else's" attitude that support is not enough along the way of adult life, and it is your responsibility and not theirs you should ask them point blank "What am I, the Tooth Fairy or something?"...

Maintaining a Life is like Maintaining & Restoring a Car. It is a Life-long Process of Challenges & Projects involving a variety of Complex MOVING Parts ~ and it Belongs to YOU, and is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If you don't Care enough to Maintain it, it really IS GOING to fall apart. You only have the Option of dealing with and tackling these Projects in your own Creative way in in your own good Time. And it is ALWAYS GOING to require Maintenance!

Appreciation for who & what you have in your life at the present time is necessary for you to be capable of growing & moving your life forward.  For some, a level of satisfaction may be reached at a point in life but not everyone is going to stay complacent enough to never make any future changes or improvements.  It is an ongoing process and really should be better & better in your own way, doing your personal best within human limits.

It is just not worth it not to pursue your own Happiness in your own way for your OWN lifestyle - with who and what is APART of your own life, & do what is required; make the changes necessary. 

What else IS there...?